Tang Tang Da-ke’s broad smile always left a deep impression on anyone who met him for the first time. He started his business of wood fired red bean soup two years ago in Tainan and used what he earned in the first year to fund his bike tour around the island. During his bike tour, he visited more than 73 locations in order to deliver free red bean soup to locals and share stories with disabled children, adults and the elderly at schools and institutions for the disabled. The experience of having a bowl of hot red bean soup in a cold winter’s day, just the thing he needed to warm his body and soul, inspired him to share such warmth with others. Besides, his parents often prepared sticky rice dumplings and red bean soup by burning wood, so Tang, a lover of carpentry, came up with the idea of wood fired red bean. He said, as long as we take care of our land, it will offer you great wood and keep your fire burning.
When Tang biked around the island, he was invited by many schools to share with children on how to cook red bean soup outdoors. He likes to ask children what makes them happy. Would they like to share this happiness with others? The children were always enthusiastic and took part in his activities. He let the children divide their work of washing red beans, collecting wood, fire lighting and cooking red bean soup themselves. Most of the children had never seen wood burning before. With various imaginations about fire lighting, some thought it as fun, and others dangerous. He told them that once the fire started, you cannot leave the fire unattended, for it is a life on its own.
Once, a child at a kindergarten insisted on inviting his mother to join Tang’s outdoor classes. Initially, his mother was puzzled about why he wanted her to come to taste red bean soup, something which was very common and easily available. The child explained that this red bean soup was very special as “it was cooked by the burning wood I collected!” Tang said, when happy children grow up, they can save our society and reduce its problems, for they are able to find simple joy in life and share with others, and this is how they make friends. The accumulation of unhappiness will become a negative energy. Many children have suppressed themselves for a long time, but what they really need is to be able to break free from social pressures and constraints. Since the liberation can only occur in the right space, such activity must take place outdoor. He has met teachers who would prefer to stay indoors to cook the red bean soup. He told the teachers that what adults are afraid of is children’s’ noise; we can use tangible space to restrict the movement of their body but not their mind. Children can stay quiet and obey our commands, but it doesn’t make them totally convinced mentally.
Tang Da-ke pays close attention to the relationship between agriculture and the environment. His red beans are grown without herbicide and chemical fertilizers by a farmer in Da-Liao, Kaohsiung. They are hand-picked, certified for passing environmental and crop tests and its production process and distribution can be tracked in the Taiwan Agriculture and Food Traceability system. Tang said, he visited the red bean farm himself and took friends to harvest the red beans, and it made him more confident in sharing the information about the source and production of the red beans with consumers. He also promotes environmental sustainability at his store. To cut back the consumption of plastic, he offers no containers for his red bean soup; his customers have to bring their own. Though no new plastic bags are used for carrying his soup, his customers are always happy to collect and offer clean and used plastic bags for his other customers to use. He said this is a kind of interaction and mutual learning process, and other stores may follow his strategy when they see it works.
He has joined the Democracy Store Front and Tainan Citizens’ Action Alliance, which discuss issues related to local social participation. He hopes to make his store a platform for citizens to voice their concerns, thus enhancing citizen autonomy and allowing such discussions to take place regularly in the long term. He has noticed that the participants’ average age became younger, and they come from various fields and disciplines, mainly because they were invited to join the events via the internet.